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Changes for the new round
00:13:20 Jun 20th 04 - VU Admin:

This is what I have in mind.


Utilization and Employment

You will need around 5 peasants for each building to function. The utilization will directly affect production. However, it will be a "slow" variable, witch means if all your workers suddenly die, it will take 100 days for utilization to reach 0%


Big VS small

The small ruler's army will gain extra experience when being attacked by, or attacking a more powerful ruler.

The peasants will flee to the nearest city with all the resources.

Utilization in all colonies will be boosted and if employment is under 100% some peasants will train for themselves and become level 1 troops.



The cost of the levels would add up, depending on how many points you have in the other areas. That way you can choose to specialize in a particular area and be very good at it, or just average on all areas. The science cost will be lower if there already is many people that have reached a higher level.



The aid link will be removed. You will be able to drop (from your army) resources in allied cities. When beating an army in the battlefield you will get all the resources they are carrying. When you buy something on the market, it will take a while until you get the resources into your city. Peasants will also be needed for transporting the goods.


New buildings

The will be a new building called markets. Markets decrease peasants needed to buy from the market and decrease the time it takes to buy from the market.

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